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About The expo

The Boreal Bigfoot Expo began being planned during the long duration of 2020.  The objectives for the expo has always been to feature seminars alongside of interesting interactive exhibits and demonstrations.  While our main focus is on bigfoot, due to the shear high-volume of interest, we absolutely love other cryptids and welcome research on any Alaskan cryptid.

SPECIAL THANKS to the committee putting this expo together:

  • Jessica Desmond

  • Heidi Worley

  • Norman Sollie

  • Michael Thompson

  • Larry "Beans" Baxter

We're getting mentioned on podcasts and websites.  Check them out:

About Cryptozoology

As a field, "cryptozoology" originates from the works of Bernard Heuvelmans, a Belgian zoologist, and Ivan T. Sanderson, a Scottish zoologist. Notably, Heuvelmans published On the Track of Unknown Animals in 1955, a landmark work among cryptozoologists that was followed by numerous other like works. Similarly, Sanderson published a series of books that assisted in developing hallmarks of cryptozoology, including Abominable Snowmen: Legend Come to Life (1961).

The term "cryptozoology" dates from 1959 or before – Heuvelmans attributes the coinage of the term cryptozoology 'the study of hidden animals' to Sanderson.  Patterned after cryptozoology, the term "cryptid" was coined in 1983 by cryptozoologist J. E. Wall in the summer issue of the International Society of Cryptozoology newsletter.  According to Wall "[It has been] suggested that new terms be coined to replace sensational and often misleading terms like 'monster'. My suggestion is 'cryptid', meaning a living thing having the quality of being hidden or unknown ... describing those creatures which are (or may be) subjects of cryptozoological investigation."  While used by most cryptozoologists, the term cryptid is not used by academic zoologists.  In a textbook aimed at undergraduates, academics Caleb W. Lack and Jacques Rousseau note that the subculture's focus on what it deems to be "cryptids" is a pseudoscientic extension of older belief in monsters and other similar entities from the folklore record, yet with a "new, more scientific-sounding name: cryptids".

What Is A Cryptid?

A cryptid is a creature thought by mainstream science to be extinct or mythological, but stories of sightings, photos or video or audio, and some forensic evidence contradicts mainstream science.  The study of these cryptids is called cryptozoology.

Why Study Cryptozoology?

When there is a mystery presented, people usually want to understand it.  Cryptozoology has been around for a long time, but wasn’t really defined as it is now until the late-1800s, even more so around the 1950s.  When one has stories about a creature and then becomes presented with credible eyewitnesses, the subject will become looked at.  The ultimate goal is not to snap a photo or video, but to collect definitive proof of the creature you are studying.  This would be casting tracks, collecting DNA, hair/fur/scale, feces, and even finding a deceased specimen.  Scientific papers can be written about tangible data collected.

What Cryptids Are in Alaska?

Bigfoot/Sasquatch/Hairy Man

Lake Iliamna Creature




Stellar’s Sea Ape

Stellar’s Sea Cow

Mountain Lions

Giant Wolves

Tcetin Tribe

Little People


Giant Sea Snakes



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